jacksongrant.us - Jackson, Grant

Description: When I founded Jackson, Grant after a decade in law and management on Wall Street, my goal was to create a fiduciary investment counsel boutique providing personal portfolio management services -- not for everyone, but for discerning individuals who wanted more than large Wall Street firms could offer -- the type of firm that I would want to manage my family's portfolios.

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Let me introduce myself. I’m Julie Jason, the firm’s founder. If you don't know me directly, you may know me through my books, columns or lectures -- or through friends or relatives of our clients or their attorneys or accountants.

When I founded the firm after a decade in law and management on Wall Street, my mission was to create something different, a fiduciary "only-and-always" investment counsel boutique that I would want to manage my family’s portfolios. To me, that meant removing production goals and third-party revenue from the equation, and focusing on a single service: personal portfolio management -- not for everyone, but for discerning individuals who wanted more than Wall Street offered.